The Academic Research & Innovation Management Organization (IMO)was established in 2020 as a hub for enhancing academic research and collaboration between industry-academia-government at Chiba University. IMO promotes the creation of innovation starting from Chiba University by strengthening fundamental research and venture support system.

Chiba University established the Institute for Advanced Academic Research (IAAR), a hub to generate advanced and innovative research, based on the Chiba University Aspirations. IAAR selects and supports cutting-edge research from each field to develop world-class research. The program also fosters young and mid-career researchers to deliver their full potential.

CHIBADAI NEXT is a platform to introduce Chiba University’s cutting-edge researchers and their achievements to society. To realize our new vision of "Toward a world preeminent academic institution," Chiba University is working to strengthen academic research and its implementation throughout greater society.
By openly disseminating information on our researchers and research results, CHIBADAI NEXT seeks to diversify collaborative opportunities with industry, other universities, research institutes, local governments, and other stakeholders.

The Institute for Global Prominent Research (IGPR) was established in 2016 to promote the world’s top-class research and develop young researchers who take leading roles in the next generation.
Chiba University centralized the entire university’s research resources to IGPR, and it is providing comprehensive support to a wide range of research areas. We utilized the strength of a comprehensive university, and established this unique system.