"skipwise program"
encourages students' success
in the global community

What is "skipwise"?
In this era of globalization, global leaders who can communicate internationally through diverse cultural experiences and advanced foreign language proficiency, on top of a contribution to the international community is more important than ever.
Chiba University was selected by MEXT as one of 11 universities nationwide to train such global leaders.
The university has established skpwise program, and the program offers classes to improve students’ communicative ability in English and provides various opportunities for them to experience different cultures.
Chiba University encourages students to join skipwise program to enable them to be successful globally in the future.
WHY “skip”?
The word “skipwise” is formed from the initials of 4 action plans: Skipping, Knowledge stock, International support, and Professional experience
The concept of “skipwise” promotes international awareness and engagement at Chiba University.
Offer a variety of course
- Special features of Chiba University such as early admission and accelerated graduation are offered.
- Implement a global program that offers a variety of course lengths.
Encourage students'
proactive attitude towards
their learning
- Establish a minor program -Global Program for Japanese Studies- and increase students' knowledge about both Japanese and other cultures.
- Focus on “Active Learning” and motivate students to be actively involved in classes.
Provide more opportunities
to study abroad
- Encourage students to improve their language competency.
- Foster internationally-minded students who have multicultural understanding along with an understanding of their own culture.
Encourage students'
experiences in the
professional world
- Expand opportunities for global internship and global volunteering.
- Encourage students to gain social experience.
3 features of the skipwise program
Early admission and accelerated graduation
Chiba University promotes early admission and accelerated graduation, and offers a variety of course lengths.
English House
English House is a place where you can receive various support to improve your English. Students from many countries get together at English House to communicate in English.
Subjects for the Global Program for Japanese Studies
・Japanese Studies
・Global Project Work
・English Communication
・Global Field Work
・Global Study Program
・Global Internship
・Global Volunteer etc.
※All classes that were established under skipwise program are designated as the Global Program for Japanese Studies subjects.
skipwise Activity
Improve your English ability
Take English Communication classes and build confidence in using English
*This class is subject to undergraduates who entered the university before FY2019, and all graduate students.
Being a global leader is not just about having language proficiency, but also about having competence to present your own opinions. English Communication classes are focused on improving students’ communicative competence in English, and the British Council conducts the program.
All the instructors are native English speakers, and the course is specially designed for Chiba University students. Students can effectively improve their English communicative competence by studying in small groups depending on their proficiency levels.
Join English Communication classes and develop confidence in expressing your own opinions.

Make progress in using English in English House
English House is a welcoming place where you can study and practice languages in a relaxing atmosphere at your own pace.
At English House you can book customized Individual Lessons with a teacher and Conversation Sessions in which you can practice speaking English with Student Assistants (SAs) from various countries. There are workshops, such as our vocabulary workshop, preparation for study abroad workshop, and various exam preparation workshops for even more opportunities to study and use English, and we are open for self-study or group-study. For our international students, there are also opportunities to practice Japanese with our Japanese SAs.
On the social side, we have various cultural and social events at which you can experience overseas cultures and interact with both Japanese and international students. The Language Exchange Programme (LEX) is one of the most popular activities here, and every year, over 250 students participate in the program to teach and learn each otherʼs language. There are typically more than 10 language combinations in each ten-week program. We also run seasonal events, various clubs and a buddy system for visiting international student groups.
We work hard to maintain our friendly international language community so that Chiba University students of all language levels feel welcome and comfortable at English House.

Learn more about Japan and the world
Learn more about Japan and the world through the Global Program for Japanese Studies
skipwise program aims to nurture global leaders who can contribute to the international community.
The program offers minor subjects called the Global Program for Japanese Studies that provides students with specific subjects to increase their global talents. This academic discipline consists of various subjects focused on developing students’ multicultural literacy. There are English classes that can strengthen students’ communicative competence. Students will also be given a chance to have global internship and volunteering activities.
Improve your English skills, and expand your multicultural understanding. The Global Program for Japanese Studies will enable you to succeed in the global community.

Study IN English in Active Learning subjects
Chiba University offers distinctive education called “Active Learning”. Active learning subjects employ the learner-centered teaching method, in which students are actively involved in their own learning and assume responsibility for their own learning.
Seminar-type and Project-type subjects are offered in the Global Program for Japanese Studies and some of these classes are taught using an active learning method.
There are opportunities that Japanese and international students study together in English, so that students can be exposed to the global environment.
Study in the active learning classes and succeed as global professionals.
Japanese Studies Term1,Term2,Term4,Term5 |
Japanese Studies - English only classes -
Deepen your understanding of Japanese cultures such as society, politics, economics and science technology.
Classes are communicated both in Japanese and English. It’s not necessary to acquire an advanced level of English.
Intensive course (Aug. and Sep. / Feb. and Mar.) |
Classes will be conducted in English in Partner Universities or Chiba University
- Workshop type of classes will be offered. |
Classes will be conducted in English in Partner Universities
- Short-term study abroad program for students who have intermediate English level. |
Classes will be conducted in English at Chiba University
- Make a presentation in English about Japanese society, culture, politics, economics and science technology

Study on the global stage
Study abroad and learn on the world stage!
Is studying abroad just for special people? The answer is “No”.
Studying abroad is considered as a part of the academic curriculum in skipwise program.
Students will be provided sufficient support for studying abroad:
・In preparation for overseas study, students can take Japanese and foreign cultures classes.
・Short-term overseas study programs are available during the spring and summer holidays. If it’s difficult for you to experience long-term studying abroad, you can consider short-term overseas study as one option.
・Students will have more chances of getting a scholarship to study abroad.

Gain international experience in society
Contribute to the international community through Global internship and Global volunteer
skipwise program provides students with internship and volunteering programs to be engaged in social experience in the international environment. This program aims to develop students’ communication and adaptability skills in the global community.
Students can choose a program from various options such as volunteering in Narita International Airport, infrastructure building in developing countries, and internship in Japanese or local companies overseas.
Accumulate valuable experience and improve your global competence. You will be able to succeed in the international community.