Campus Asia Students at Niigata
Graduate School of Horticulture
The following essay is orderly arranged into 3 major topics as below;
- Good points to be a student of Chiba Univ.
- Research and supervisor
- My campus life in Chiba Univ.

Campus Asia Students in Yukata
I felt so nervous to be a part of this university. Beside the sentiment, Japanese agriculture is always fascinating. I want to discover many things with an aspiration of applying techniques to my motherland. Luckily, this campus has many collaborated companies of plant factory section where I have a big chance to be an intern. In the near future, I assuredly believe that the model of a plant factory will solve food famine and feed billions of people in this planet. Absorbing experiences directly from them is truly essential and useful. Hence, I have devoted to learn plant factory area for one-third of my student life. This is the greatest point of being a student in this university.

Campus Asia Students in DisneySea
Aside from my personal enthusiasm, I will not be able to explore this wonderful campus without help and support from my fabulously fantastic supervisor Prof Michiko TAKAGAKI. She is always patient with me a skeptical student. Our research theme involves on vegetable production which is considerably related to artificial environment. We try to grow lettuces underneath several artificial light conditions which aim to improve its production and nutritional value.

Myself with lettuce-1

Myself with lettuce-2
Other than studying under her wing, stream of chance come into my sight. I have encountered and learnt verious aspects of people's lives, e.g., their culture, tradition, and life styles. These are the quintessence of my life. Especially, in Campus Asia program which is uniquely conducted in Kashiwanoha campus, students from all over Asia come to study and live together. That is unforgettable moments for the rest of my life. Underneath the stream of time, I now prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I'm going through my life and pursuing my dream. Sooner or later, I will use my bare hands to harvest this fruitful wisdom when the time comes. I'm truly thankful for my supervisor and for this campus for this lifetime opportunity. Above all, I forever cherish my beloved mom and dad who sent me onto this blue planet.

Thai Students from Kashiwanoha and Matsudo Campus