令和4年度千葉大学卒業式、大学院修了式・学位記授与式 答辞

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Graduands, parents, members of faculty, and guests, good morning and thank you all for making it to today's event. I would like to express my deep gratitude to President Nakayama and all faculty members who have made time to make this ceremony a special occasion.

I am sure this occasion holds several meanings to every one of you here, but I am sure the main theme is that this ceremony marks the culmination of what Chiba University as an institution stands for, which is 'always aiming higher' and striving to always improve in one's field of work. For faculty members, this signifies a proud moment where your wisdom, knowledge, and expertise have been successfully channeled to mold students' with mere potential into competent professionals capable of leading the future generation in their respective fields. For students (graduands) this event represents not only vindication for the years of frustration and long hours of brainstorming in the laboratory or field, but also a validation of your capabilities going forth into industry and academia. As such I am very grateful to Chiba University for believing in us students by giving us the wings to fly under the tutelage of your faculty members. Moreover, conducting research during these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the most challenging experience for both students and teachers alike, therefore this further adds a special sense of accomplishment to this occasion.

Personally, having been in this country for the greater part of 7 years, I have had a rich experience of not only assimilating knowledge from my field of study at the Graduate School of Nursing but having to overcome language and cultural barriers. Representing all international students, I would also like to express how indebted I feel to the Japanese society for being welcoming and patient enough to allow us to have a rich learning experience. Through various academic and extra-curricular activities, we have made several friends and acquaintances and exchanged ideas in a global environment, and I believe this experience has not only improved us intellectually but transformed us into better people who will contribute meaningfully to our respective communities.

Last but not least, my message to all the faculty members is that as students we will forever be indebted to the sacrifices you made to guide us to become what we have always aspired to do; that is to explore more about the ideas we have always been passionate about in a space where we were not afraid of failure for, I always remember my supervisors encouraging me after a series of unsuccessful experiments with the words '失敗は成功の元という言葉があるように挫折から学ぶことがある'.The time we have spent under your tutelage will forever shape our thinking from here on.

Also, my message to my fellow graduands is that today should mark not an end of our learning curve but a continuation of the process of koujyo 向上 (continuous self-improvement) which began the moment we entered the gates of this great institution. May we all hold the reputation of Chiba University in high stead in our future endeavors.

Thank you for your time and I hope the future is promising in both your personal and professional lives.

September 28th,2022
Representative of the Graduates
Graduate School of Nursing