令和5年度千葉大学卒業式、大学院修了式・学位記授与式 学長式辞

23-09-28, Commencement Speech at Chiba University, Commencement 2023

  • 学長式辞

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Chiba University, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to all of you who have just received your doctoral degree, master's degree, professional degree, or baccalaureate degree for your achievements in Chiba University. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all of the family and friends who have supported the graduates.

Under the guiding principle of Chiba University, "always aiming for higher things," we want to nurture global human resources to build up new leaders in various fields of society, infusing them with advanced expertise and strong ethics. I believe that all of today's graduates have put forth great effort in their studies and researches, in line with the educational goals of Chiba University, and become experts in their given fields. I trust that the knowledge and experience gained in Chiba University will greatly aid them in creating something amazing in the future.

Today is the start of a new journey in your life. Some of you will return to your home country, and get a leading position in the society soon or in the near future. In the long carrier, you may face various issues and contend with certain struggles. You may realize that our global society has been facing a range of issues, such as environmental pollution, natural disasters due to global warming, emerging infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 and the conflict in various regions of the world, including the war between Russia and Ukraine.

I believe that society's leaders, particularly global leaders should understand the cultures, social systems, customs, and histories of people come from various parts of the world. Among them, mastering the mind of Tolerance "Kanyou in Japanese" is one of the most important things for the leaders. There are always some different ideas and proposals even in a very small society. You need to listen the idea first, and then, you may propose a solution that the majority of the people may accept. While you have begun to learn these during your time at Chiba University, you will need to enhance these abilities further more through your own efforts while working as a professional in society.

You may soon face a few turning points in your life. You might have just started working in a new company, but in the near future, you may need to decide whether to stay at the same company or move on to another. Some of you will continue your lives as researcher in the Graduate School in Chiba University or other universities, but in a few years, you will need to decide whether to continue your academic career, such as going abroad as a Post-Doc, or to find work at non-academic institutes or companies.

Everyone experiences such turning points, at least two to three times in their life. When you find yourself faced with such a turning point, I suggest two things.

First, please try to make the choice that will be both favorable but also a little bit of a challenge. That way, you may earn more valuable experiences and grow further, becoming a real leader in your field. For example, I have been a researcher in the medical field for some time. Researchers prepare and give scientific lectures in English very frequently. If you are able to prepare a 60-minute scientific presentation in English, then you'll be astonished how simple preparing a 20- or 30-minute presentation in English is, or a 60-minute presentation in your mother language. Please try to make the choice a little bit of a challenge.

Second, when you're faced with the need to make a major decision, gather as much information as possible; ask the opinions of more experienced people and consider your options very seriously. Then, once you've made that decision, do your best to see it through and don't regret your choice. It is very important that you should do your best in your chosen way, as others, including both older and younger colleagues, may watch and evaluate your behavior.

Finally, I wish for each of you to strive to be leaders in your chosen field and work with confidence to better society. Once again, congratulations on your fantastic achievements, and good luck with your bright future!

Thank you for your attention.

September 28th, 2023
Toshinori Nakayama
President, Chiba University