Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology's Campus Asia Project, implemented jointly by three institutions in Chiba University:the Graduate School of Horticulture,the Design Department of the School of Engineering,and the Center for Environment,Health and Field Sciences. This program is an educational program for students from different backgrounds and nationalities, including those coming from companies and local governments,and through education, it intends to promote the "contribution of plants to the environment" in a range of urban environments. As an educational program,the main objective is to create,by means of learning through internship and reality-based project,human resources who have international capabilities of project planning and implementation as well as widely adoptable technological knowledge. The defining characteristic of the "Plant Environment Designing Program" is the development of reality-based research in cities in different countries across Asia. Problem-solving based educational researches with specific themes and held in selected cities by compact teams of Japanese and foreign students, in cooperation with companies in the private sector and officials of local governments. The projects have two main categories: Urban Plant Factories Projects and City Green Projects. These two categories of project from the basis of the program. In addition,we are also working on a reconstruction aid project in earthquake stricken areas.