
CAPE Exchange Program

1. Human resource development for 6th+4th industrialization in cities
The 6th industrialization of agriculture advocated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries aims to revitalize rural and fishery areas with industrial transformations. This program focuses on establishing new businesses for urban farming and greenification by introducing a method of designing services to realize such industrialization in cities. The program seeks to create the 10th (6+4) industry through the addition of service innovation of the 4th industry to the 6th industry, ultimately fostering human resources to support future developments.

2. Fostering innovative students with a double degree program in different domains
The Switch Major Double Degree Program (SMDD) allows students to earn two degrees in different domains (agriculture and engineering). They earn a Masters degree in one domain and a doctoral degree in the other.

3. Triple Option Degree Program for diverse and selective degrees
In addition to the double degree (DD) and SMDD, the program creates a new Transferable Degree (TD) where the initial university and the university conferring the degree may differ. The university where a student completes his or her studies confers the degree, while the initial university and the host university each award a diploma for exchange studies.

4. World School of Comprehensive Science to cultivate sophistication at graduate schools
A joint program formed by Chiba University and overseas universities hosts comprehensive science courses, which are available to students outside the specific field of study to cultivate wide-ranging graduate-level sophistication. This program establishes a World School to disseminate information around the globe.



学部と大学院で異なる2つの専門の学位を取得できるSwitch Major Double Degree Program (SMDD)を構築する。

