2017 Winter Design Workshop_Japan

2017 Winter Design Workshop_Japan

On Feburary 5th, 2018, students from Chiba University, Yonsei University, Zhejiang University participated in the workshop, which was held in Japan.

Objectives of Design Workshop
Inviting students from multiple countries with different backgrounds, the CAPE Winter Workshop 2018 hosted by Chiba University aims to mind, learn and fill the gap between the cultural groups, and between the members of the cultural group. Historically, culturally, and personally, we are intrinsically different from each other.

Understanding each other merely through words is sometimes extremely difficult, obstructed by the language barrier, presumption common senses, through the somewhat prejudiced mind we all have.

The invention of board game dates back to around 3500 B.C.: this is even older than the iron, alphabet, and toilet. In the workshop, students are asked to make use of the merit of one of the oldest media as a tool to communicate what you know and learn what you don't know.

Designing board games require complex sets of skills: meticulous planning of game systems, establishing fair, easy-to-learn, yet deep enough rules, and above all, the end-user game experience achieved through the disciplined theme of graphics of boards, cards, and pieces. Together with the students from different skill sets and techniques, students are expected to contribute to maximizing both the fullness and the amount of the information you intend to transmit to the players.

関連PDF: 2017_0205_JAPAN01 BOARDGAME-compressed.pdf