E-mail : isd@office.chiba-u.jp
University Health Center (Safety and Health Organization) offers students an annual health checkup, primary medical care, and mental health consultations.
The main facility of the Health Center is located right next to the CIE on Nishi-Chiba Campus, and its branch offices are located on Inohana and Matsudo Campuses.
For clinic hours, see their respective websites or contact ISD.
Safety and Health Organization
Tel: 043-290-2214
Fax: 043-290-2211
Email: info-hsc(a)office.chiba-u.jp
Please change "a" to "@".
URL: http://hschome-gw.hsc.chiba-u.ac.jp/home_e.html
Inohana Healthcare Room
Research Building of Medical Science, 3rd floor
Tel: 043-226-2821 ext. 5034
Email: info-hsc(a)office.chiba-u.jp
Please change "a" to "@".
URL: http://hschome-gw.hsc.chiba-u.ac.jp/cont/cont-1/cont-1_ino.html
Matsudo Campus
Matsudo Healthcare Room
Ryokufu-Kaikan (Student Union), 1st floor
Tel: 047-308-8731
Email: info-hsc(a)office.chiba-u.jp
Please change "a" to "@".
URL: http://hschome-gw.hsc.chiba-u.ac.jp/cont/cont-1/cont-1_matsu.html