Student Insurance

All Chiba University international students are required to enroll in all of the following types of insurance.
Pamphlets on these insurances and other necessary documents for enrollment are distributed through your faculty or graduate school, but are also got at the ISD counter on each campus.


Please follow the instructions of your faculty or graduate school and complete the subscription procedures online.

This is an accident compensation insurance covering unforeseen disasters and accidents during regular curricular activities, school events, extracurricular (club) activities, and while on the university premises. Please note that illness and natural disasters such as earthquakes are not covered by this insurance. For further details, please see the link below.
Personal Accident Insurance for Student Pursuing Education and Research "GAKKENSAI"

Please apply online from the materials you will receive after your arrival in Japan and pay at convenience store.

This is a comprehensive insurance policy covering liability, injury, illness, rescuer expenses, death and residual disability. Only students who are enrolled in ”GAKKENSAI” are eligible for this insurance. Please take out either Type A or Type B. Actual premium depends on your enrollment period.
For further details, please see the pamphlet.
Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with "Gakkensai" for International Students

Chiba University ISDtoppage